Golden Mushroom
Hai, semua.
Kali ini Nie's heart
menghadirkan sebuah karangan narrative hasil karya siswa MA Al-Husna. Kalian tahu kan karangan Narrative? Yup, narrative adalah dongeng atau cerita rekaan. Ternyata gak susah kok untuk membuatnya. Yang dibutuhkan adalah daya imajinasi untuk
menciptakan para tokoh dalam cerita. Buatkan alur yang sederhana tapi penuh
tantangan. Segalanya memungkinkan dalam imajinasi, bukan?
Nah, kali ini, cerita yang
diangkat Nie's Heart adalah sebuah cerita rekaan Fani Lindriani, siswa kelas XI
IPS. Ceritanya sederhana namun menarik untuk disimak. Berkisah petualangan
gadis cilik bernama Angelic yang harus berhadapan dengan penyihir jahat bernama
Shaula dalam rangka mencari Jamur emas sebagai obat bagi ibunya yang sakit.
Bersama Bubu, si Kucing kesayangannya, mereka memulai petuaangannya. Mau tahu
kisah lengkapnya? Silakan baca sendiri kisahnya !
Once upon a time, there
lived a little girl named Angelic. She had a cute cat named Bubu.They used to
play together. Bubu used to follow Angelic wherever she go.
One day, Angelic's mother
was ill. Angelic and Bubu went to forest. They searched golden mushroom as the
medicine for her mother. Golden mushroom was in a wicked witch's house.
With a bit or courage,
those two best friends came and asked for golden mushroom to the wicked with
named Shaula. Shaula disposed to give the golden mushroom instead Bubu must be
given to Shaula. Angelic was confused how to get golden mushroom without
loosing Bubu.
One night, Angelic took
the golden mushroom in Shaula's yard and asked Bubu to run away from Shaula's
house. Shaula was aware of two best friends that had been escaped. She
immediately run after them. In the middle of the forest, Angelic and Bubu were
caught by Shaula. Shaula began to issue her stick and spell her magic words to
Angelic and Bubu. In fear, Angelic threw the golden mushroom toward Shaula,
Suddenly, the golden mushroom exploded. Shaula was killed by her own magic
Angelic took the yeast
flakes of golden mushroom which had already scattered on the ground. Both of
them returned home.
Finally, she could cure
her mother.
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